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List of Questions that were left Unanswered in TMNT 2012?

Writer's picture: Lil UhhLil Uhh

Compared to the 2003 series which served as a reboot of the franchise, the 2012 series serve as a reboot of the 87 series drawing in concepts and references from the last 2 series and comics. Even though the 3rd adaptation of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles retained positive reviews, references, and designs. Ultimately while the series ended with a great crossover between the 1987 turtles there were some questions that were left unanswered and ultimately left up in the air for viewer interpretation.

  • What happened to the Fugitoid’s disembodied head?

    • For the first half of season 4, Professor Zayton Honeycutt, dubbed the Fugitoid in the series, served as the turtles’ benfactor, guardian, and mentor during their adventures in space stopping the Triceratons from assembling the Black Hole Generator the device that devastated the earth when first used and the Fugitoid brought them back in time to prevent the triceratons from using it again. However unknown to the turtles at the time, Professor Honeycutt was responsible for creating the device which initially started out as a power source before being brought by Kraang Subprime and used to decimate the Triceraton Homeworld. Feeling guilty for his hand in the triceratops homeworld and the earth’s destruction, Fugitoid became determined to rectify his mistake and destroy the weapon even at the cost of his life. He follows up on this when (after ejecting the turtles, April O’Neil, and Casey Jones from his ship) he captures the completed Heart of Darkness and sets both his ship and himself to self destruct. The only possible way to destroy the weapon is through a combination of fusion and dark matter, his robotic body is powered by a fusion generator and his ship made of dark matter. In effort to finally end the triceratons reign and destroy the weapon, Fugitoid launches a kamikaze attack destroying the entire triceratops fleet and seemingly leaving no survivors. However, the end of the episode (and entire arc) reveals that the Fugitoid’s disembodied head survived indicating his brain had survived but is currently left stranded in earth’s orbit and was not seen again later in the series leaving his fate undecided and whether or not he meets the turtles again. It should be noted that Fugitoid wasn’t even mentioned whenever the turtles bring up their adventures in space.

  • What happened to Tiger Claw?

    • After Tiger Claw’s attempted to resurrect Shredder ended with the Demodragon Kavaxas nearly seizing control of the world. Tiger Claw, despite his vendetta against the turtles for banishing him to the 87 turtles’ reality along with the many times they beat him in subsequent battles (one of which costed him his arm at the hands of his sister Alopex), has agreed to a truce and a ceasefire between the Foot and Hamato clans. What became of Tiger Claw is left up in the air. It can be speculated that he may return to Japan and resume his job as a hired assassin in the criminal underworld.

  • How come the Mutagen arc was discarded after Season 2?

    • Since the beginning of season 2, the turtles had accidentally caused a shipment of mutagen to dump all over New York City creating many hostile mutants such as Pizza Face, Squirrelanoids, Slash (indirectly), Sir Malachi, and even April’s father Kirby. Despite the setback aside from stopping Shredder and the Kraang, the turtles feel it’s there responsibility to round up every canister in an attempt to control the mutant population and prevent the situation from becoming worse than it already is. However despite this the storyline was never brought up in later seasons (with the exception of the introduction of Mondo Gecko) and by season 5 it remains unknown if all the mutagen canisters have been recovered by either the turtles, the foot (hence their access to mutagen long after the Kraang’s banishment), or the Kraang.

  • Why didn’t Donnie cure Mutagen Man of his mutation despite making the promise?

    • In season 1, the turtles meet their first fanboy Timothy or The Pulverizer as a Superhero alias. While the man meant well and was only trying to help, his impulsive and klutzy behavior made him more of a hinderance than an asset with Master Splinter himself declaring The Pulverizer a lost cause (or a “doofus” as he and Raphael puts it) as the man possessed no aptitude for fighting and his impatience only makes him a danger to himself. Despite the turtles shooing him away at the end for letting the Kraang Power Cell get away he remained in good terms with them agreeing to be their inside man when he joined the Foot Clan (as an expendable soldier of course). However, the turtles especially Donatello are horrified to discover that Timothy volunteered to be a test subject for a mutagen experiment and had intentions to become a mutant. Despite Donnie’s best efforts to warn Timothy and prevent him from making a potentially fatal mistake, the klutz would not listen and mutated himself causing him to painfully transform into an acidic blob of mass and organs and barely able to control himself or recognize who his friends are, forcing him to be contained and stored in Donnie’s lab usually seen in the background. Despite the trouble he unintentionally caused, Donatello still considered Timothy to be a friend and felt guilty that he was unable to save him. As such he solemnly promised to cure Timothy of his mutation someday. However Donnie despite creating retromutagen several times in the series has never been seen attempting cure Timothy. One reason why could be due to whenever Donnie creates retromutagen it is usually circumstantial and had to be used for more immediate problems such as Kirby O’Neil, Karai, the humans of New York, and Super Shredder as such Donnie never found the time to cure Timothy of his mutation. Another reason is as a result Timothy consuming mutagen in Mutagen Man Unleashed, Donnie reluctantly had to freeze his friend when he would not listen to reason, being placed in suspended animation for an indefinite amount of time. It’s possible due to his frozen state (which Donnie predicts will thaw in +70 years) the retromutagen does not work or have any effect on Timothy thus nullifying any hope of curing him and preventing Donnie from fulfilling his promise.

  • What happened to Baxter Stockman after the final duel with Shredder?

    • One of the turtles’ earlier enemies who came into service of the Foot Clan and later became a mutant common housefly as punishment for his failure to create suitable mutants for Shredder. In the final duel against the shredder at his estate, Stockman was one of the hostile obstacles in their way. While ranting, Michelangelo nonchalantly grabbed a retromutagen bulb from Donnie and his Stockman with it returning him to normal. Rather than being happy about being cured, he angrily admonished them for it as he enjoyed being a mutant housefly despite being an insect. While going on, Mikey had knocked him out and was left there. What became of Baxter Stockman remains unknown as he was not seen in the following episodes nor did he aid Tiger Claw in his attempts to resurrect Shredder. It’s possible he either perished in the burning building and was unable to escape in time, was arrested for his crimes since he trespassed at TCRI and attacked his former coworkers (all captured on footage) prior to working with Shredder as well as used his mousers to steal private property, or simply abandoned his evil ways and redeemed himself thus no longer being a threat for the turtles.

  • What happened to Zeno after his encounter with the turtles?

    • During the turtles Space Adventures and quest to recover fragments of the Black Hole Generator from the Triceratons, they met Zeno a rogue triceraton who opposed the Triceratons’ plans for the Heart of Darkness. While he initially opposed them in the Gladiator Games they were forced to fight in, Zeno spared them when they revealed what their mission is and later provided a distraction for the turtles to escape effortless beating down many triceratops soldiers and creating enough confusion for the turtles to escape. What became of Zeno afterwards was unknown he either managed to escape from the Triceratons or was caught and imprisoned and later destroyed by the Fugitoid’s Kamikaze attack.

  • What happened to the hostile mutants in the show?

    • Ever since the turtles first ventured to the surface there have been many hostile mutants they have come in contact with such as Snakeweed, Spider Bytez, Squirrelanoids, Pizza Face, many rat mutants, Speed Demon, the Creep, the Chimera, Spy-Roach, & Justin among others. Even Shredder’s own henchman have been transformed into mutants. The sightings only worsened during season 2 when the turtles accidentally caused a shipment of mutagen canisters to drop into the city. However sightings of hostile mutants have died down since season 3 as the turtles were primarily dealing with stopping the Kraang, Shredder’s forces, or the Triceratons. By Season 4, Leonardo’s monologue seems to confirm that many of their mutant enemies have either been defeated or destroyed. This is further implied by season 5 when the turtles have revealed that there has been less threats in the city than usual and have even grown bored of it.

  • Is Alopex still out to kill Tiger Claw?

    • Alopex’s appearance was as mysterious as her exit. A mutant kunoichi like April and Karai with enhanced speed & reflexes which gives her in edge in battle. She is also Tiger Claw’s little sister and an experienced (former) assassin. The turtles accidentally get caught up in a “family squabble” between her and Tiger Claw when she scratches Casey with blades of vengeance causing him to become cursed and forcing the turtles to hunt for her in an attempt to steal the blades. Upon learning who she is and what she’s after the turtles sympathize and later ally with her to defeat Tiger Claw and release Casey from the curse. The turtles make no effort to stop her from slaying Tiger Claw instead watching as she relents and warns to Tiger Claw to redeem himself and later slices his arm off when he does not heed her warning and attempted to blast her. Alopex takes her leave after reminding her brother she could’ve taken his life instead of his arm. What became of Alopex and whether or not she’s still in New York or fled back to Japan remains unknown. It is unknown if she’s still feuding with Tiger Claw currently or not as well.

  • How come no one has said anything about Chris Bradford’s public disappearance?

    • Before his mutation, Chris Bradford was a famous American martial artist and the owner/proprietor of the popular Bradford Dojo franchise around the country. However his master is none other than the shredder and the Dojos he owns are in fact a front to train and recruit more soldiers for the foot and enhance Shredder’s influence among the world. Ultimately, Bradford became a mutant when he stuck a sword in a mutagen bomb causing the glass to break and splash mutagen on him and Shredder transforming him into a Mutant Akita and later came in contact with Mutagen again while chasing Michelangelo causing him to fall in a vat of mutagen and transform into a large wolf like creature. What’s puzzling is how no one publicly addressed Bradford’s mysterious disappearance since laying low as a result of his mutation despite his famous reputation. Popular theories suggest that those who noticed Bradford’s disappearance and attempted to look for him were either bribed to look the other direction by the Foot or threatened by Bradford himself to keep their mouths shut when they learned of his fate.

  • How come the Kraang did not give Shredder and the Foot the location of the turtle lair?

    • Originally the Foot Clan and The Kraang Hive Mind were enemies as Shredder merely saw them as obstacles to get to Splinter but found some use for their technology and mutagen. Eventually the Kraang and Shredder realize they have a common enemy in the turtles and their relationship became that of a business partnership (even though both sides do not fully trust each other and are aware betrayal is inevitable) with The Kraang supplying Shredder with resources, mutagen, and technology to upgrade his forces in exchange for assistance in terraforming the world to their liking. One of the final steps to launching their second invasion was discovering the Turtle Lair thus Knight (also known as the treacherous Kraang Subprime) disguised himself as a teenage girl named Irma to get close to April O’Neil and eventually the foot clan forced April to escape underground with Irma causing her to reveal her true identity as a Kraang/Utrom allowing him to signal a beacon and attract the Kraang to the turtles’ home forcing everyone to abandon it and escape. What’s puzzling is the Kraang never told the Foot Clan about the location of the lair despite it being a key component for their invasion of which Shredder was requested to assist. This is further implied when the turtles returned and banished the Kraang back to their home dimension and Shredder made no further attempts to attack the turtles directly in their home in effort to get to Splinter.

  • Why didn’t the turtles move to a new location even though the Kraang compromised their old lair?

    • Despite learning that the Kraang and Shredder are working together and managed to trick April into luring them to their lair rather than search for a new location like the 2003 turtles have done when the foot destroyed their lair, the turtles merely moved back in despite the location being compromised and their enemies now knowing it’s location thus it is no longer safe for them. Although both the Kraang and Shredder made no further attempts to attack the turtle lair and it is implied the Kraang never informed the Foot of it’s location, it’s still a risky move given what has happened and Shredder’s rise to power through the criminal underworld. It also raises the question on why Leonardo never followed up with the order to establish a second lair in the event of the lair being discovered again.

  • How come the 87 Turtles appear to follow a different continuity than what has been stated?

    • Although the 87 turtles are portrayed with more accuracy than the direct-to-DVD Turtles Forever film, there are some inconsistent loopholes such as Krang’s relation to the Utrom. He has been stated to be a cousin of Kraang Subprime, however this goes against the 87 Series as it was established that Krang was a reptilian alien war lord who was by some bizarre incident reduced to a brain like form and banished to earth. However in Trans-Dimensional Turtles it has been revealed that Krang is an Utrom who was banished by Subprime for his incompetence. One reasonable explanation is that the 87 turtles, Shredder, and Krang that were featured were actually alternate versions of themselves that follow a slightly different continuity than what was stated in the original series. This same logic can be applied to Turtles Forever since many of the 87 characters act very out of character and over exaggerated to the point where fans consider them to be parodies of themselves.

  • What has the Neutralizer been doing in between the events of his 2nd and final appearance?

    • The Neutralizer or K’Vathrak was one of the Turtles’ more mysterious enemies, though he was mistaken for a mutant experiment of the Kraang gone rogue, he was actually revealed to be an alien, a salamandrian criminal to be exact who has history with some of the turtles’ future enemies and allies such as Lord Dregg and Sal Commander. The alien was incredibly impulsive, aggressive, and blood-thirsty having been captured and experimented on by the Kraang and has a rather violent desire to destroy the Kraang (even it’s benevolent mother species The Utrom) no matter the cost. This behavior set him at odds with the turtles as it caused him to neglect the lives of innocent bystanders. They managed to defeat him after short-circuiting his plutonium charged teleport causing him to seemingly disintegrate out of existence. However unbeknownst to the turtles, the Newtralizer is still much alive and their last encounter with him led to him gaining energy based powers. The question raises on what he was doing in between his 2nd and final appearances. Although consistently featured in the villains section of the them song, he does not appear until near the series end when he resurfaces and begins targeting the Utrom. One could guess given his mastery over his newfound powers he has spent his time training himself to master his powers as well as silently targeting the Kraang and later the Utrom when the Kraang Hive Mind has been destroyed.

  • Who activated the mutagen bomb in Raphael: Mutant Apocolpyse?

    • Although the event is non-canon and takes place in an alternate timeline, some questions regarding the instigating story was raised. The most biggest head scratcher was who activated the mutagen bomb that devastated the earth and transformed its population into mutants. Considering the timeline, the date where the bomb first activated seemed to activated sometime long after the series end in present time thus the Kraang is not a viable candidate given Kraang Prime’s destruction. Some fans even speculated Baxter Stockman is responsible. Though the special is not a part of the main continuity and a mere what-if scenario it does raise question who instigated the attack since that was never revealed in-show.

  • Also why didn’t April survive despite being immune to mutagen?

    • April O’Neil is revealed to be a special class mutant as she is a human/utrom hybrid mutant. She is revealed to a key component needed to perfect the mutagen thus the reason for the Kraang’s relentless pursuit of her. Her natural physiology makes her immune to mutagen as well and will not alter to its effects. This raises the question on how she (implied to have) perished when normal mutagen has no effect on her. While she was not mentioned or seen, her (broken) tessen was recovered by and kept by Raphael as a memento which hangs inside the shell raiser and a luxo ball that is seen on April’s pants is on Donatello’s (as Donbot) robotic chest. It is possible given the chaos which killed Casey and mortally wounded Donatello, April was in fact killed not by the mutagen itself but the falling debris and toxic atmosphere that followed shortly.

  • How did the Kraang figure out how to perfect the mutagen without April?

    • April was revealed to be the Key component needed to stabilize the Kraang’s mutagen as her DNA is more in tune with the universe and it is needed to alter the mutagen due to it’s unstable and unpredictable nature. From Kraang Prime’s account, the Kraang have been struggling to perfect the Mutagen since neanderthals first inhabited the planet and was responsible for mutating them into humans today. Thus upon being tracked down April O’Neil was pursued relentlessly by the Kraang in order to obtain her DNA however their efforts were rendered null by the turtles who manage to foil them at every turn. Their desperation has even led to the Kraang attempting to clone April and replicate her cells but were largely unsuccessful. By some unexplained reason, at the end of season 2 the Kraang managed to perfect the mutagen without April and had begun to terraform the earth to their liking. Even the turtles wondered what the Kraang have done despite not having April in their grasps

  • Did Donnie and April start an official relationship?

    • Throughout the series, Donatello and April have a very close relationship due in part to Donnie’s massive crush on the girl. Although April likes Donnie, her feelings for him remain ambiguous and she seems to remain oblivious on purpose to avoid embarrassing or hurting Donnie. Although she has liked Donnie enough to give him a kiss on the cheek sometimes. Donnie also seems to have a bit of competition and rivalry as soon as Casey Jones came into the scene causing him to become jealous of the 2 and their closeness although their rivalry and antagonisms dies down since the 2 started working together more. At one point while she was tending to his wound, Donnie attempted to confess his feelings but April intentionally irritates his wound before apologizing and cryptically telling him to avoid talking so he doesn’t hurt more suggesting she doesn’t share Donnie’s feelings, this was further implied when Donnie’s frequent attempts to serenade April has only led to April awkwardly leaving and avoiding him. Even Donnie’s own brothers especially Raph and Leo try to get Donnie to accept the reality, the red masked turtle in particular trying to dissuade him to avoid his younger brother getting hurt. April and Donnie’s relationship was put to test when April became possessed by Za-Noran’s spirit and despite Donnie trying to get through to April, Za-Noran refused to let her surface and subsequently disintegrated Donnie devastating April. Raph however managed to get through to her by advising her to remember the things they been through especially Donnie which coupled with her guilt allowed her to surface and destroy the Aeon crystal and separate Za-Noran’s link with her before she uses the fragments to revive Donnie. The 2 appear to be much closer since the ordeal and by When World’s Collide the 2 are seen goofing off together in the lair. This raises questions on if they have begun to enter a relationship stage since by this episode all the turtles were seen interacting and having close relationships with their own love interest, April herself seemed visibly distraught when Donnie was kidnapped by Lord Dregg’s forces. In the Ice Cream Kitty music video she kisses Donnie passionately on the lips heavily implying she may finally begin to return his feelings for her.

  • What did the turtles do to be considered legendary heroes and “Turtle Warriors of Legend”?

    • Renet a timestress apprentice in training from the future reveals that the turtles in the future become well known enough to be labeled the “Turtles Warriors of Legend” according to the history books thus they finally begin to become accepted by the public and do not have to hide in the shadows constantly to avoid unwanted attention. What did the turtles do to become accepted by society and written in history books remains largely unknown as it has never been specified and was not shown by the time of the series end and left up in the air.

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