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Writer's pictureLil Uhh

Reasons Why Mordecai Should’ve Ended up with CJ

  1. She had more in common with Mordecai than Margaret

    1. Compared to Margaret who was simply a cute girl Mordecai was infatuated with, CJ actually shared more in common with Mordecai and likes many of the same things Mordecai himself is fond of such as video games, movies, tv shows (especially Yugi), Cheezers, among others. She was also an expert Dodgeball player just as he is.

  2. She remained loyal to him up until their breakup

    1. Although they had a rough start due to Mordecai leading her on and CJ’s uncontrollable temper; CJ remained loyal to Mordecai and always stayed by his side. As such she becomes irrationally angry when she suspects Mordecai of cheating on her for Margaret. She also refused to leave him when the C.E.O. of Couple Corral asked her too and angrily killed the man when she thought Mordecai was killed by him as well as cradled his body in tears before he revealed he was ok. CJ has also gotten used to the life threatening events that occur with them and stayed by Mordecai’s side regardless of the oddities. Despite their breakup, she seemed shocked to witness the Park going into space.

  3. She was cooler than Margaret

    1. Although Margaret was a good love interest and got along with virtually everyone she came in contact with, she wasn’t nearly as cool and relatable as CJ was to the guys. She was very witty, independent, tomboyish and shared more in common with the guys than Maragret ever did. She got along best with Mordecai’s friends and family.

  4. She had gotten used to their many misadventures together.

    1. From hanging with Mordecai and Rigby, CJ’s life has gotten more interesting as she participated in some of the guys' adventures alongside Eileen at times. Despite the weirdness regularly occurring (and she is sometimes the cause) CJ still remained loyal to and stuck by Mordecai’s side.

  5. She was well aware of Mordecai’s interest

    1. Given CJ and Mordecai have more in common, CJ actually knows more about Mordecai than Margaret as the 2 share the same interests and have a great bond based on that fact. CJ was even thoughtful enough to give Mordecai a waffle cake during their exclusive “real” date (although due to the events of the episode it was assumed destroyed).

  6. She had understood many of Mordecai’s (undesirable) quirks even before officially dating.

    1. CJ also comes off as understanding and knows Mordecai has his negative quirks such as his tendency to overthink and stress out over certain (easily explainable) situations. The best example would be when Mordecai asked her out on a date and she merely responded “;-”) and also added on “That means yes; don’t misinterpret it” right before Mordecai confused himself on what the comment meant. She also tries her best to console Mordecai whenever he’s overthinking or stressing out about events related to work.

  7. She got along with Mordecai’s friends, family, and even tried to make amends with his ex-girlfriend

    1. CJ, is very independent and got along best with Mordecai’s friends such as Rigby and Eileen. His family was also fond of her and she was not at all weirded out by his mom’s eccentric behavior even thinking it was sweet about how she cares about him. Although she no longer keeps in contact with them due to her breakup with Mordecai, she nevertheless showed that she was able to get along with Mordecai’s loved ones. CJ even tried to make amends with Mordecai’s ex-girlfriend Margaret (for Mordecai’s sake) after nearly killing her due to a misunderstanding although that fell through due to Margaret lying about being in a relationship and admitting she still has feelings for poor Mordo.

  8. She genuinely liked Mordecai

    1. CJ did genuinely have feelings for Mordecai and hoped that he felt the same about her as she did him. As such she was extremely disappointed to learn that Mordecai didn’t like her as a potential love interest and was actually seeing another girl when they first met and refused to be friends with him when Mordecai told her the truth. When the 2 met again after a surprise meet, she was worried Mordecai may still be mad at her for what happened on their date, the same holding true for Mordecai but eventually they agreed to start over and remain friends. The 2 discover that they hold many of the same interests with Mordecai even hanging out with her alone at times. Eventually he decided to ask her out on a date with CJ admitting she was looking forward to it for a long time and was really happy that Mordecai may be reciprocating her feelings for him.

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